Sunday, November 11, 2007

Notes on Xi Shi


c. 490BC


  1. equally charming in both heavy and light makeup
  2. as appealing when she frowns as when she smiles
  3. were she plump, you would admire her plumpness;
    were she thin you would admire her for being slender
  4. extraordinary natural beauty with a universal appeal
  5. of notable virtue, had a great love for her country and her people
  6. said to be most beautiful when she was wincing from chest pain


  1. daughter of a tea trader
  2. fromvillage in Zhuji 诸暨 county in Zhejiang 浙江 Province, part of the ancient state Yue 越

Related Characters:

  1. Yue King Gou Jian 越王勾践 (a.k.a. Luo Gou Jian 雒勾践)
  2. Wu King Fu Chai 吴王夫差
  3. Minister Fan Li 范蠡

  1. State of Wu defeated the State of Yue. Gou Jian, King of Yue, was forced to serve Fu Chai, Prince of Wu for three years. To remind himself of his country's humiliation and suffering, Gou Jian slept on a bed of rough branches and drank bile before every meal.
  2. Gou Jian had his men search far and wide for a woman whom he could send to Fu Chai as a tribute. Xi Shi and another woman (Zheng Dan) were selected and trained in royal court etiquette.
  3. Minister Fan Li was ordered to take Xi Shi to Fu Chai. The wise minister and brave woman fell in love with each other on the journey, and they made a secret pledge of undying love.
  4. Fu Chai received Xi Shi and became enchanted by her. He bragged that he had the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, saying that people would have to pay gold coins to look at her.
  5. Eventually, Fu Chai spent all of his time doting on Xi Shi, so much that Fu Chai's friends and subjects become intolerant of his neglect. There was much political chaos.
  6. The chaos enabled Gou Jian to invade Wu as revenge.
  7. Xi Shi disappeared. It is said that she left with Fan Li, who became a successful trader.

Reorganized from this source.

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